is a multi-faceted personal finance and lifestyle blog which offers advice on how to tackle debt and take control of your money without it being boring. You can still have a life, have fun, get out of debt AND ultimately become a millionaire without being a bore!
I believe that anyone can turn their financial situation around, whether you are in a ton of debt or just need to reign in your spending and build wealth. On the blog I share how we’re getting out of debt, cash-flowing home renovations and still living a fun and fulfilling life.
I try to make this blog (and its associated social media channels) as real and unfiltered as possible. It gives an honest look at my everyday life and discusses the topics that people can sometimes be a bit uncomfortable to talk about such as money/mental health.
It is a lifestyle blog but more-so it is my lifestyle blog so it has a whole mixture of things going on from cute dog pics to crafting to chats about money saving/budgeting and how I try my best to tackle running a house whilst working full-time. I can’t force my blogging into a niche because my mind doesn’t fit into a niche – I know it’s the no.1 blogging sin to not have a niche but ‘that shoe don’t fit so I ain’t wearing it!’
About Me
I live in Essex with my husband Dean and our two Miniature Dachshunds Fizz and Luna. I work full-time as an Endoscopy Repair Technician(…for the same company as Dean, in the same building, in the same workshop, about 27 steps away from each other…it’s not actually that bad!) and in my spare time I like to work a bit more.
It’s not so much that I’m a workaholic, I just like to keep busy and if I’m being busy I like it to be doing something productive.
What type of dogs are Fizz and Luna?
They are Miniature Dachshunds. Fizz was born in December 2014 and came home to us on Valentines Day 2015. She gave birth to Luna (and her brothers Woody and Duke) on April 7th 2017. We are hobby breeders and if you want to find out more about our litters or put your name down on our waiting list you can find our you can find our group under our Kennel name ‘Fizzlepups’ here on Facebook.
Where does the name Musha (and Mushaville) come from?
I’ve been doing this blogging thing on and off for quiet a while now, almost 9 years in fact, but while my interests and hobbies have changed one thing has always stuck, the name ‘Musha’ – resulting in the tag line ‘If its got Musha in front of it you can guarantee I’m behind it!’
It’s from a Feist song Mushaboom, I don’t remember why I liked the song or word so much but it firmly stuck in my mind and has been a kind of trademark for me ever since.