I’m not necessarily looking forward to June. There is a lot going on and I can’t quite wrap my head around it yet so I’m kind of trying to ignore it.
I realize this is the least productive way to deal with it but at least I’m being honest and know I’m dealing with it in the wrong way – that’s good, right? Will I be triumphant and conquer the month or try to go back to bed and hibernate for most of it – who knows!
Maybe these Goals with give me some much-needed structure and aims to work to.
I thought I’d give a bit of an explanation for each one and hopefully I can elaborate on them more throughout the month.
- Pay £1000 off of debts – I think this is do-able, it wont be easy but I’m determined to be debt free as soon as possible.
- Make £200 from Matched Betting – I’ve not had time to do any Matched Betting since March so I’m making a conscious effort to schedule it in this month, it’s such easy money that it’d be silly not to!
- Work out 3 times a week minimum – This is a bit premature as the gym isn’t completely finished yet but I can still get in there and do some weights workouts for the time being, I’m starting small.
- Start work at 7am at least 3 days a week – This is going to be pretty hard…I can do early mornings, I can do late nights but I struggle to mix them together in the same day. If we start work at 7am we can finish at 3pm which means we have lots of time spare in the evening to work on projects or sidehustles…but sidehustles tend to keep me up quite late a few times a week. I might end up drinking a lot of tea and coffee!
- Declutter clothes and shoes to go on eBay – This is a nice easy one for me as I don’t actually do any of the eBay stuff, my sister does! She has a sideline as an eBay reseller so I give her any clothes I want to get rid of, she sells them and takes a cut of the profits. I’ll probably spend an hour or so one evening with Netflix on the laptop and empty all the draws and wardrobe onto the bed and have a sort through.
- Sort through photos and get a photobook made – I have been meaning to do this since we got married nearly 2 years ago! I have so many photos saved on the computer that no one ever sees I loved looking through photo albums as a kid and want my children to be able to do the same one day, I could get the photos printed and do a traditional album but I like the look and feel of photo books more.
- Use cash envelopes – We didn’t do this last month and went way over on the grocery budget, I need to get back on track so I’ll be going to the cash machine this week to draw out our ‘cash envelope’ money for the month.