May is set to be a busy month, there aren’t any big plans as such just lots to get done and possibly not enough time to do it in (as is the case with most things I do!) Fingers crossed the weather turns out nice and we can smash some of these goals.
I thought I’d give a bit of an explanation for each one and hopefully I can elaborate in them more throughout the month.
- Finish building the gym – We are soooo close to having it all done! If we really pull our finger out I think we can get everything finished and ready to move equipment into by the end of the month, it’ll probably mean spending every weekend in there working on it but it’ll be worth it to just be able to say we’ve finally finished it.
- Set a weekly schedule – Life is a little bit hectic at the moment and I don’t get many (if any!) evenings to just sit and relax and watch a film with Dean, for the past 3 weeks my sister and I have been working non-stop on our side businesses and we need to find a way to utilize our time better to make sure we are being as productive as we can be. I’m thinking I need set days for certain areas of business, we already work Monday and Wednesday nights but there still isn’t enough hours in a day to get done all that we need to so hopefully a schedule will help.
- Create a housework routine – This is a carry over from last months Goals and ties in nicely with having a set weekly schedule.
- Add £150 to our income from side hustles – I didn’t have much of a chance to do any Matched Betting last month so would like to set aside an hour or two each week to make some money with that. Any money made from side hustles goes straight to debt so hopefully can get another good chunk paid off of the credit card this month!
- Make a product using the sublimation printer and heatpress – We’ve not had a chance to use our sublimation printer since we got it nearly 3 months ago but we are desperate to add some new products to our shops and I think it’d be the perfect time to give our new toy a whirl, I need to learn how to use it properly but I have a basic understanding which should be enough for a simple product design session.
- Work out our current net worth – I’ve been meaning to do this for a few months after reading the article ‘Is Net Worth Tracking The New Budgeting?‘ over on Budgets Are Sexy (If you are looking for an interesting money blog to read then I highly recommend Jay, he keeps it lighthearted and is really personable whilst still being informative). I know ours will currently be in the negative but it’d be a nice thing to keep track of maybe once a quarter until we get out of debt just to see how the numbers change.
- Declutter the utility room – I was in there to put on the washing earlier and there just seems to be unnecessary clutter in there that needs a good sort out and tidy up. It’s one of those rooms where we chuck bits and pieces that need fixing or hiding…like a really boring Aladdins Cave…