I’m pretty pleased with how I go on with my goals last month, granted I failed miserably at some but considering how busy the month has been I’m going to give myself some leeway.
- Overhaul the grocery budget – Ugh…I tried, I failed. I’ve just not had the time to sit down and really concentrate on something like this (it sounds like an excuse but it really isn’t, I barely get anytime to do anything other than work eat and sleep at the moment!) I’m trialing out ordering a lot more of our groceries online and it seems to be going well so I think I’ll try that out for another few weeks and then give this goal another go.
- Declutter 100 items from the house – I got really close with this one but just ran out of time in the last week of the month so only got to 77/100 but i’m trying it again this month!
- Do a full freezer and cupboards inventory – This one was fairly quick and easy to do and I’ve realised it’s probably something I should do every fortnight or so just to keep track of what food we actually have in the house.
- Learn to do a proper push up – Nah, not going to happen any time soon! I’m gaining plenty of strength but push ups are going to take me a while!
- List 2 new products on Etsy – I got our new Marble Makeup Bags and the Glitter Confetti Tumbler Cups listed, I really need to do a big shop overhaul and improve all the titles, descriptions and photos but for now they will do.
- Have a wardrobe sort out – Got this one done at the beginning of the month and did a post about it here. I didn’t have many clothes to begin with and now I have even less so I’ll have to go shopping soon I think…which isn’t a task I enjoy!
- Use cash envelopes – The more I’ve thought about it the more I realise that cash envelopes just aren’t going to work for us anymore. I’m doing a lot more of our food shopping online and it’s easier to use the debit car for things like petrol and we don’t really go too far over our budget amounts for any of our ‘envelope’ categories.