I’m just going to come out and say it now – I did a terrible jobs at completing goals last month. I don’t know if it was a lack of time or focus or both but the month just seemed to go so quick and I feel like I got nothing done!
- Pay £1000 off of debts – Didn’t quite hit this one, got close with £813.93 paid to debt.
- Make £200 from Matched Betting – I could have done a lot better with this what with the World Cup being on but I just didn’t have the time, I made £73.74 from about an hours work though.
- Work out 3 times a week minimum – Errr…no. The gym still isn’t quite finished and the last bits of equipment are arriving this week.
- Start work at 7am at least 3 days a week – Also no. I think we managed it 3 times in total
- Declutter clothes and shoes to go on eBay – I made plans to do this one evening but then fell asleep. It’s a good job I didn’t though as Natalie has no room (or time) for extra eBay stock at the moment – this will be one to save for another month.
- Sort through photos and get a photobook made – I made a good start on this! I have our wedding photos sorted through and formatted for a book I just need to get Dean to have a quick look over before I send it to be printed.
- Use cash envelopes – Nope. I need to have a think about if I’m going to go back to doing cash envelopes or not.