Do you find yourself going to the petrol station more and more? Maybe you’ve found yourself travelling a lot more or those little journeys you’ve been making have started adding up. The price of petrol isn’t the only thing that you can shop around for to save some cash on your fuel fill up. You can also implement some changes so you have longer between petrol station visits. Let’s have a look at how to save money on petrol.
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The Price You’re Paying
Firstly, what is the price you’re paying for your fuel? Different petrol stations charge different amounts in different parts of the country. You might pay a penny less a couple of streets away from where you’ll pay a penny more. Use a website like PetrolPrices to see where is cheapest in your area. Take into account that travelling further afield to fill-up will cost you more than you’ll probably save. You can also get the information on an app on your phone so you can figure out where to top up your tank on your travels.
Empty Your Car
It’s not just the cost of the petrol which helps you save money. If you carry around a lot of weight in your car for no real reason, you’re paying to drive it places. Empty your boot of all those heavy items and put them in the shed or back indoors. You’ll need less fuel to move your car as it will weigh less.
Be Aerodynamic
Having an aerodynamic car means you’ll use less fuel to travel. Wind resistance can slow you down so you need more petrol to move. Most cars are pretty aerodynamic in the first place, but if you’re not using it, take the roof box off and put it back in the garage. Keep your windows closed too to reduce drag.
Slow Down
Next on our list of how to save money on petrol is slowing down. Did you know you’ll use less petrol travelling at 70 miles an hour on the motorway than you would at 80mph? So much as 25% in fuel consumption! That’s a huge amount! If you can drop to 60mph you’ll save even more. In other words, slow is down a bit.
Go For A Walk
Why not leave the car at home? If you’re not driving the vehicle you’re not paying for any fuel! You’ll also use fewer miles which will mean you’ll have to declare fewer miles on your car insurance which will mean you’ll have less to pay! Going for a walk will also help you stay healthy and add less air pollution to your local area. In other words, walk more, drive less.
Get Points
Next up on our list of how to save money on petrol is using points and promotions. If you get petrol at supermarkets you can scan your card and earn points to use in-store. Whilst it might not be saving money on fuel directly, your petrol purchase will help you save money on your food shopping. Different petrol station companies offer different rewards. If Shell is your nearest station you can earn money off fuel rewards by simply topping up. Every 10 visits where you spend £10 on fuel or £2 in store you’ll get a discount.
There are lots of ways to answer the question of how to save money on petrol. Drive safely, know your prices and take advantage of promotions. Finally, enjoy the ride!