This felt like a looong (and expensive) month. September was our 6 week paycheck stretch month and thankfully we managed ok!
It’s another month where I feel we could have done better with the budget but as it is it wasn’t a bad attempt.
These are all fairly self-explanatory costs but I’m going to explain some of the higher ones as.
You will notice that all these numbers are in $ instead of £’s this is because I use the EveryDollar website to do my budget and it’s meant for the US and Canada, the numbers are all the same so you can just ignore the $ prefix.
Here is our Budget Report for September 2018
Rollover, Charlotte/Dean, Everyday Rewards – If you want to know a bit more about these you can have a look at my first Budget Report
Side hustles – This was a very good month for BebeMakes, our Elf Bottles went ‘Etsy Viral’ and we’ve got orders coming out of our ears. We took income from the Etsy profits this month but haven’t taken any from BangOnBlanks as we’re building a buffer in the business account and I havent taken any from my blog account as I’ve had some stuff to pay out for and I’m saving up to be able to employ a virtual assistant soon.
Bebemakes – £750
Gas/Elec – We are now in our switch over period from OVO to Bulb so nothing to pay until next month when the first Bulb payment comes out and then our final OVO bill should arrive in about 4-6 weeks.
Some months I feel like I’m doing ok with these categories and other times they feel like they are out of control, I think we can count this month was a fairly stable one but I do aim to work on this in the future, hopefully we canget the grocery and misc category down.
Same old, same old this month
Insurance & Tax
Still no changes here
Barclaycard – This is the standard monthly minimum payment.
Zopa – This is the standard monthly minimum payment.
These are our Sinking Funds, they stay pretty much set at the same amount every month – have a look at my first Budget Report for a bit more info.
Mating Fee – Pretty much what it says it is, this is the fee we pay to the stud dog owner for a mating.
Herp Vacc – The girls are getting the Herpes Vaccination whilst they are pregnant to protect both them and the puppies once they are born, they had their first jab around 10 days after mating and will have the second jab at 7-10 days before their due date.
OOH Vets – We had a trip to the out of hours vet this month with Fizz as she had a tummy bug, in essence I paid over £60 for a tube of Pro-Kolin+ paste that I could have bought for £8.95…
License Fee – New laws come into effect on October 1st that mean that any dog breeder needs a license from the local council to show that their premises/facilities are suitable to raise puppies in and that the dogs are well looked after. From what we can tell it’s going to involve a lot of paperwork and a few visits from the local council and vets, we find out more next month!
Skip – Dean decided to start work on the next bit of our garden renovation project (the first bit being the workshop to gym transformation), this involved tearing down the walls in the shed and wood store to make it into a bigger room so there was quite a bit of wood to get rid of.